This is a website by The Todd, for The Todd, and of The Todd. Really, it's just an easy place for me to post pictures. Go Bucks!

Monday, June 19, 2006


y: mother buffalo snorted at us, then we ran

y: bobby and pete get a better look at the rapids

y: rapids



y: we were that close

y: standing by the road

y: rubbing extra fur off

y: bobby and alex with a buffalo

y: me and the buffalo

y: most of the park was devoid of tall trees due to a fire in 1988

y: bobby and alex on a rock overlooking large valley

y: tower falls

y: tower falls area

y: yellowstone river

y: yellowstone canyon rapids makes big rainbows

y: close up to a waterfall

y: artist point

y: artist


y: artist

y: artist

y: artist

y: point sublime

y: view of canyon from point sublime

y: us at point sublime

y: more smelly mud pits

y: bobby and alex at mud volcano

y: dragon's mouth. it actually growls too. pretty cool

y: bear!

y: bear Posted by Picasa


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